French Language Courses

Bonjour, language learner extraordinaire!

Are you ready to embark on an epic journey of mastering the French language? Well, you're in luck! With Edexo, you can get a comprehensive learning plan tailored to your specific goals and needs. Whether you're looking to travel, study, or work in a French-speaking country, we've got you covered.

A1 Level

Let's dive into the fun stuff, shall we? Level A1 is where the adventure begins. You'll be able to impress your French-speaking friends with common expressions and small talk. Our team of experienced teachers will help you get those pronunciation skills on point, so you can introduce yourself and ask simple questions with ease.


A2 Level

Moving on up to level A2, get ready to rock and roll with simple sentence structure and expressing your ideas in French. You'll be able to understand basic texts and have conversations with your French-speaking pals.


B1 Level

But wait, there's more! Level B1 is where things start to get really exciting. You'll be able to read and write simple texts in French, participate in conversations, and impress your French teacher with your newfound skills. We'll help you take your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation skills to the next level.


B2 Level

Ready for the big leagues? Level B2 is where you'll be able to understand more complex texts, communicate effectively in more complicated situations, and write more elaborate texts in French. You'll be sounding like a native speaker in no time!


C1 Level

Level C1 is where you become a French language master. You'll be able to understand complex texts, participate in discussions, and write elaborate texts. Our team will help you perfect your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, so you can communicate effectively in demanding professional and academic situations.


C2 Level

Finally, level C2 is where you truly shine as a French language superstar. You'll be able to understand difficult texts, participate in debates, and write sophisticated texts. We'll help you refine your language skills, so you can express yourself accurately and idiomatically.


So, what are you waiting for? Sign up with Edexo and let's start your French language learning journey together!